ОАО «Бел Стом Кристал»

Запись на прием и справка:




+375172853644 (факс)

Режим работы:

Пн - пт: 07.30 - 21.00
Сб: 09.00 - 15.00


Минск, ул. Захарова, д. 52, к. 2

Единственная красота, которую я знаю, — это здоровье.(Генрих Гейне)   Приглашаем Вас на стоматологическое лечение и профилактический осмотр!   Еще больше красивых улыбок и день станет ярче!   Праздничные (выходные) дни в МАЕ: 1.05.24;9.05.24;13.05.24;14.05.24 Время работы в МАЕ: пн-пт: 7:30-21:00; СУББОТЫ: 04.05.24(9:00-15:00); 11.05.24 (9:00-15:00); 18.05.24 (08:00-20:00);25.05.24(9:00-15:00)  Сокращенные дни на 1 час: 30.04.24; 08.05.24 Обращаем Ваше внимание, что стоматологическое лечение стало доступнее с картами рассрочек "КАРТА ПОКУПОК","КАРТАFAN","ЧЕРЕПАХА","ХАЛВА"!!!                  Время работы рентгенкабинета в МАЕ: пн.-пт.:с 8:00 до 21:00, с 20.05.24 по 31.05.24 (8:30-20:00) . СУББОТЫ:4.05.2024 (9:00-14:30);18.05.2024(8:00-20:00);25.05.2024 (9:00-14:30); 11,13 мая - рентген-кабинеты не работают.         Мы принимаем оплату «Картой покупок» от Белгазпромбанка, «КАРТАФАН» от БПС-Сбербанка – рассрочка 3 месяца; карта от МТБанка "Халва" - рассрочка 2 месяца, карта от ВТБ-Банка"Черепаха"- 8 месяцев рассрочки!         В ОАО «Бел Стом Кристал» на постоянную работу СРОЧНО требуются: врач-стоматолог-терапевт, врач-стоматолог-ортодонт, врач-стоматолог-ортопед, медицинская сестра, зубной техник (наличие квалификационной категории для всех специалистов обязательно),уборщик помещений, САНИТАРКА!!! По вопросам трудоустройства обращаться по номеру телефона: +375(17)2948413.              

Preventive dentistry

Regular visits to the dentist in developed countries has long been the key to a successful life, a symbol of intelligence and good breeding.

In Belarus, sometimes even the most educated and wealthy people ignore dental health and are turning to the dentist when either the surgeon, or the prosthetist can help them. This position is not right fundamentally. Modern dentistry has reached such heights that dental treatment is absolutely painless and effective procedure.

Dentistry deals with conservative treatment of teeth. The doctors, who are engaged in therapeutic stomatology, reliably protect health of our teeth. The primary goals of therapeutic stomatology is treatment of caries and pulpitis. In some clinics stomatologists-therapists are engaged in treatment of diseases of gums and restoration of teeth.

The therapeutic stomatology is very important, as caries is at the bottom of 97 % of diseases of teeth and their complications. Besides, almost everyone has caries. And caries isn't «illness of a civilization», our ancestors had caries too.

Why there is caries?

Modern scientists can't answer this question with accuracy. Assume that caries reason is the insufficient quantity of fluorine in tooth enamel. Many researchers consider that caries reason is the pathogenic microbes aggressively influencing enamel of tooth. Important in caries development is malocclusion. There is still more than 300 theories of dental caries.

However it is proved that careful hygiene of an oral cavity and regular visiting of the stomatologist is capable to prevent occurrence and caries progressing. The therapeutic stomatology just also is engaged in preventive maintenance of carious process, the elimination of an existing dental caries.

Modern materials allow to reach brilliant cosmetic and functional result. The sealed up carious cavities and tooth channels are invisible in the background surrounding the tooth. Progress of the chemical industry can create materials for seals, which not only reliably eliminate carious cavity, but also allocate fluorine in a tooth fabric, protecting it from the further destruction. Doctors of OJSC "The 9 th dental polyclinic" constantly raise qualification because the therapeutic stomatology constantly develops.
