ОАО «Бел Стом Кристал»

Запись на прием и справка:




+375172853644 (факс)

Режим работы:

Пн - пт: 07.30 - 21.00
Сб: 09.00 - 15.00


Минск, ул. Захарова, д. 52, к. 2

Единственная красота, которую я знаю, — это здоровье.(Генрих Гейне)   Приглашаем Вас на стоматологическое лечение и профилактический осмотр!   Еще больше красивых улыбок и день станет ярче!   Праздничные (выходные) дни в МАЕ: 1.05.24;9.05.24;13.05.24;14.05.24 Время работы в МАЕ: пн-пт: 7:30-21:00; СУББОТЫ: 04.05.24(9:00-15:00); 11.05.24 (9:00-15:00); 18.05.24 (08:00-20:00);25.05.24(9:00-15:00)  Сокращенные дни на 1 час: 30.04.24; 08.05.24 Обращаем Ваше внимание, что стоматологическое лечение стало доступнее с картами рассрочек "КАРТА ПОКУПОК","КАРТАFAN","ЧЕРЕПАХА","ХАЛВА"!!!                  Время работы рентгенкабинета в МАЕ: пн.-пт.:с 8:00 до 21:00, с 20.05.24 по 31.05.24 (8:30-20:00) . СУББОТЫ:4.05.2024 (9:00-14:30);18.05.2024(8:00-20:00);25.05.2024 (9:00-14:30); 11,13 мая - рентген-кабинеты не работают.         Мы принимаем оплату «Картой покупок» от Белгазпромбанка, «КАРТАФАН» от БПС-Сбербанка – рассрочка 3 месяца; карта от МТБанка "Халва" - рассрочка 2 месяца, карта от ВТБ-Банка"Черепаха"- 8 месяцев рассрочки!         В ОАО «Бел Стом Кристал» на постоянную работу СРОЧНО требуются: врач-стоматолог-терапевт, врач-стоматолог-ортодонт, врач-стоматолог-ортопед, медицинская сестра, зубной техник (наличие квалификационной категории для всех специалистов обязательно),уборщик помещений, САНИТАРКА!!! По вопросам трудоустройства обращаться по номеру телефона: +375(17)2948413.              


The absence of even one tooth causes significant inconvenience for the person's life. This can lead a shift of the teeth, malocclusion, and a number other adverse conditions. To avoid such troubles you should contact specialist of dental prosthetics.

The Methods of prosthetics

Today there are many different methods of prosthetics. We choose the best option to help patients prosthesis. Specialist will tell not only about all kinds of prosthetics and their pros and cons. Distinguish between removable dentures and removable dental prosthetics. Accordingly, the dentures can be permanent, and can be able to be removed from the mouth.

Removable prosthesis includes installation of crowns or bridges, setting tabs, veneers and dental implants.

Removable prosthetics

Crown - this is one of the most common methods of prosthetics. A crown can restore a damaged tooth, protect a weakened or cleaved tooth from further decay, when it can not be achieved by sealing, to correct an irregular shape and color of the broken tooth, as a pillar for the bridge.

The most common are metal-ceramic crowns. These bits provide a solid metal frame covered with a thin layer of ceramic paste. Such a dental crown to form a completely indistinguishable from the surrounding healthy teeth and strength even exceeds them. Ceramic crowns have a very high aesthetic parameters, but they are very fragile in comparison with metal, and have a fairly wide range of contra-indications.

Crown with plastic - an affordable option prosthesis. Installing crown - is quite reliable prosthesis. Properly installed crown with proper oral care can last up to 20 years.

Bridge - this is fixed prosthetic design, reminiscent of the bridge, which is attached to the teeth with crowns. It can be made of the same materials and on the same technology as the crown. Their distinctive feature is the presence of an intermediate in the form of artificial teeth. It is used to replace one or more missing teeth. Installing the bridge is only possible if the right or left on both sides of the missing tooth still has teeth, which it can be fixed. These abutments stitch, and they set the crown for which he then attached prosthesis.

Composite veneers - made from composite (filling) material. This type of veneers are made in one visit, directly into the patient's mouth.

Inlays and onlays - a dental prosthesis, used for dental treatment is strongly affected by caries. Tabs are an alternative to crowns. If the tooth is severely damaged, then instead of bits is possible to install inlays, which is essentially a seal made in a dental laboratory with great accuracy. The tabs are made of metal alloys, porcelain, and composite materials.

Implantation - implantation of a special titanium structure in the patient's bone tissue. In the future, this design is fixed metal crown, and made a tooth does not differ from the present. This is the newt technology in the field of prosthetics.

Removable prosthetics

Removable prosthetics are widely used in cases of total or partial loss of teeth. Modern manufacturing techniques allow the dentures to ensure their high durability, reliability, aesthetic appeal and no need for permanent removal from the mouth.

Depending on what type of problem to be solved, the following types of dentures:

  • Full removable plate prostheses used in the complete absence of teeth on one or both jaws. Their task - to make up for the absence of all teeth.
  • Partial dentures are used in the absence of individual teeth or groups of teeth in a dentition. This type of prostheses used in the loss of the main chewing teeth and dentition defects large extent.
  • Bar prosthesis - the most reliable and convenient design. Its main difference is that the chewing load is distributed evenly between the gingival surface of the jaw and teeth preserved, in contrast to partial dentures, where the entire burden falls on the gums. In the manufacture of prostheses made a precise calculation and simulation of all elements of the prosthesis.