ОАО «Бел Стом Кристал»

Запись на прием и справка:




+375172853644 (факс)

Режим работы:

Пн - пт: 07.30 - 21.00
Сб: 09.00 - 15.00


Минск, ул. Захарова, д. 52, к. 2

Единственная красота, которую я знаю, — это здоровье.(Генрих Гейне)   Приглашаем Вас на стоматологическое лечение и профилактический осмотр!   Еще больше красивых улыбок и день станет ярче!   Праздничные (выходные) дни в МАЕ: 1.05.24;9.05.24;13.05.24;14.05.24 Время работы в МАЕ: пн-пт: 7:30-21:00; СУББОТЫ: 04.05.24(9:00-15:00); 11.05.24 (9:00-15:00); 18.05.24 (08:00-20:00);25.05.24(9:00-15:00)  Сокращенные дни на 1 час: 30.04.24; 08.05.24 Обращаем Ваше внимание, что стоматологическое лечение стало доступнее с картами рассрочек "КАРТА ПОКУПОК","КАРТАFAN","ЧЕРЕПАХА","ХАЛВА"!!!                  Время работы рентгенкабинета в МАЕ: пн.-пт.:с 8:00 до 21:00, с 20.05.24 по 31.05.24 (8:30-20:00) . СУББОТЫ:4.05.2024 (9:00-14:30);18.05.2024(8:00-20:00);25.05.2024 (9:00-14:30); 11,13 мая - рентген-кабинеты не работают.         Мы принимаем оплату «Картой покупок» от Белгазпромбанка, «КАРТАФАН» от БПС-Сбербанка – рассрочка 3 месяца; карта от МТБанка "Халва" - рассрочка 2 месяца, карта от ВТБ-Банка"Черепаха"- 8 месяцев рассрочки!         В ОАО «Бел Стом Кристал» на постоянную работу СРОЧНО требуются: врач-стоматолог-терапевт, врач-стоматолог-ортодонт, врач-стоматолог-ортопед, медицинская сестра, зубной техник (наличие квалификационной категории для всех специалистов обязательно),уборщик помещений, САНИТАРКА!!! По вопросам трудоустройства обращаться по номеру телефона: +375(17)2948413.              

Esthetic restoration of teeth

In modern times a Hollywood smile stopped being a symbol of belonging to bohemia - now it is most likely vital need. Fortunately, the progress of stomatology takes great strides forward, regularly offering new techniques of restoration of frontal teeth. Today people see doctors not only to find health, but also to find beauty.

In case of need a dentist helps to create a beautiful smile, using all the arsenal of modern methods for teeth restoration.

Now thanks to innovations it is possible to hide chips, to lighten dark stains, to correct irregular shape of a tooth, to create a new tooth which will become even more beautiful, more functional than previous.

Depending on complexity of a case a stomatologist in his/her practice uses different methods of restoration of teeth. One of the methods which is widely used in modern stomatology is art restoration of teeth.

Art restoration is a way of restoration of healthy tooth structure by using various dental sealants. Undoubted advantage of this method is that restoration is usually carried out during one day.

Restoration by means of modern composite filling materials used if a patient needs to return beauty and teeth function lost at trauma, caries or if there is loss of tooth gloss and whiteness. Thanks to a wide tone palette it is possible to choose necessary color ideally. In addition these materials have wide biocompatibility with a tooth tissue, they are strong and durable. Restoration is carried out during one visit by putting one thin layer of material on the top of the other and then by light of a special lamp it is made hard. After that the tooth is ground and polished.

* photos of works of Shestak E.A. are presented in the article.

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BEFORE (breaks of two frontal teeth) AFTER (art restoration with use of modern photopolymers).

Veneer -- is one more modern interesting method of tooth restoration. This method is applied at a trauma, caries or small orthodontic problems, and also helps to get rid of defects in tooth structure, such as wide chinks, the darkened stopping, uneven edges and chips, thinned and effaced enamel. Restoration with veneers assumes their production by an indirect method in dental laboratory. Production of diagnostic models, an assessment of an occlusion height, the size of teeth and some other factors which influence on a harmony of smile perception allow to achieve high-esthetic results.

Veneers are thin translucent plates from ceramics, porcelain or composite materials. They are fixed by a doctor on an external surface of tooth, they have a natural form. Their operational term is rather big 5 - 10 years. And even under the influence of strong colouring agents, such as coffee, tea, cigarettes, a plate during this time won't change color.

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BEFORE (the darkened stoppings of two frontal teeth) AFTER (veneers are fixed on two frontal teeth)

Dentist therapist of the 1st category

JSC "9th dental clinic"

Shestak Elena Aleksandrovna
